Positioned at the heart of the summer, August promotes life, happiness, and prosperity. Additionally, there are three different August birthstones to choose from.
The most popular August birthstone is Peridot, although in the last few years, Sardonyx and Spinel were added to the list-making August the only month in the year with three birthstones, next to December and June.
[toc]In this article, we’re going to detail all the valuable information about the primary August birthstone Peridot, but also highlight important features of Sardonyx and Spinel too.
Peridot is easily recognizable thanks to its lime green color in most cases. At times, it can be mistaken for emerald and vice versa. Nevertheless, the sole origin of Peridot’s name is still unknown.
Origin of this Auguest birthstone
Many educated people believe that it originates from Arabic names, such as “Friday” which stands for “gem.” However, some believe that the Ancient Greeks had an impact on its name.
Greeks used to call it “persona” which means “giving plenty.” It makes sense, as it’s well-known that it’s always been associated with good fortune, wealth and prestige.
Peridot is, what’s today considered a rare gem. Finding excellent quality in peridot can be extremely difficult. It forms deep in planet’s mantle, and it’s mainly found around volcanoes which brought it to Earth’s surface through magma.
Hawaii has a rich symbolics when it comes to Peridot. It was a symbol of Pele and her tears. She is a goddess of volcano and fires which could control lava. Some meteorites that fell on Earth may also boast peridot, although rarely.
How did peridot get its wonderful color?
Many believe that the August birthstone hides its composition. Many gemstones get their color from trace and agents from other materials, but not peridot. That’s why there is a limited number of stones that were derived only a unique color.
Although peridot comes mainly in one color, it may have a yellow-green and olive-brown-green hue that determines the composition of iron in the August birthstone.
Sometimes, peridot is also called the “evening Emerald” due to its sparkling green texture. Nevertheless, it is good to wear at any time of the day and easy to fit with different jewelry.
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A bit history
Peridot was first mentioned in the second millennium BC. First mentioned throughout Egyptian history, Peridot originates from a small volcanic isle called Topazios located in the Red Sea. Now, that same island is recognized as St. John’s island as well as Zabargad.
It’s no secret that ancient Egyptians attributed all the power and might to their god of Sun, Amon Ra. That’s why Peridot is also attributed to as “gem of the sun.” According to them, this August birthstone had the power to protect those who wear it from all terrors that come when the sun sets down.
Egyptian priests wore it, believing that it sourced its power from nature. They crafted goblets with Peridot etched into them to drink in honor of gods and use it as a communication channel with gods. The Peridot’s power was believed to be so strong that even Cleopatra wore it in its emerald collection.
The popular Cologne Cathedral in Germany was decorated with 200-carat gemstones long thought to be emeralds, although the chemical analysis later showed it was in fact peridot. It remained silent throughout the rest of the history until the 20th century.
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How about now?
In the early 1990s, the gemstone was reborn. New deposits of it were found in Pakistan, with its mines delivering among the purest and finest peridot deposits ever. They were most commonly found in Kashmir, with some units measuring over 100 carats.
Although extremely influential, the Pakistan deposits of the August birthstone aren’t the most proactive peridot deposit.
The one can be found in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona, making the most productive and active deposit of peridot in the world. It’s believed that somewhere between 80 and 95% of the global peridot deposits originate from there.
It’s still relatively rare, but those extreme gemstone deposits have allowed for many different variations and options to be produced. That said, if you were born in the 8th month of the year and have difficulties getting your birthstone, don’t worry. There are various options of peridot, some of which are extremely affordable.
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Where to find peridot?
As mentioned above, although rare, Peridot is available at multiple locations. Its story is unique and sort of unearthly.
In the World
Most of Peridot jewelry has been brought from different mines and rocks from around the world. Some of those locations include China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Tanzania, Vietnam, the United States, and others.
However, given the aforementioned connection to meteorites, it’s safe to assume some of the August birthstones came to Earth via meteorites, and in even rarer situations, from asteroids.
Some Peridot samples also reside in tropical and exotic destinations. Such destinations include Peridot Beach, Hawaii and others. The peridot there is significant as it causes the sand to reflect a luminous green glow.
Historically, the first source of Peridot as we know it today is the Egyptian island Zabargard, previously known to Topazios. Many historians believe that Egyptians started mining it from 340 to 279 BC.
It’s no secret that the Peridots from Zabargard has the highest value. That’s mostly because the island has been known as haunted, often called the Island of Death. Now, Zabargad Peridot found its place in the most luxurious and valuable museums around the globe.
In the States
If you’re looking for Peridot across the United States, there’s plenty of it in Arizona. That’s thanks to the colossal volcanic activity which took place thousands of years ago.
Peridot traveled to the Earth’s surface through lava, with most of its volume covering the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservations.
When it comes to the arrival of the August birthstone to Earth, it traveled through pallasite, a special meteorite made of nickel, iron and olivine.
Earth greeted thousands of such meteorites, where many of them contained olivine, although only a few of them carried the gem-quality peridot. That’s why, this type of jewelry is uncommon, given that the meteorite peridot is quite difficult to extract.
How to care for peridot?
Peridot is neither too fragile or too hard. Still, at the hardness of 6.5 to 7 Mohs, it’s quite durable. It’s still less hard compared to some other gemstones. That’s why it should be put on formal jewelry so the everyday routine of wearing it wouldn’t tear it.
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When it comes to cleaning Peridot, watch out which chemicals you use. It’s extremely delicate material so heat and acids shouldn’t be applied for cleaning.
Being so sensitive, cleaning it in steam or an ultrasonic cleaner isn’t the best of ideas. If it enters the thermal shock, it can easily crack or lose its luminous shine.
If you want to clean peridot, it’s the best you use a soft bristle brush and combine it with dish detergent in warm water. You can also use regular soap, but water mustn’t be too hot or too cold. If you have a jewelry box, store it away so it wouldn’t be damaged from interaction with other gems.
Peridot healing properties
Peridot sports healing and protection properties. This August birthstone is a cleansing and purification tool that can swipe away the evil spirits. It successfully alleviates and combats spite, bitterness, irritation, insecurity, greed, and jealousy.
It’s a great stress reliever and it promotes healing, renewal, and relaxation. It also renews and rebirths you, so it’s great for embracing new opportunities and strengthening the new relationship. Furthermore, it can easily promote joy, confidence, self-awareness and more.
Peridot also has healing properties in terms of general health. It enhances the immune system, metabolism and is highly beneficial to dry and burnt skin. You can use it to treat heart disorders, as well as problems with the lungs and respiratory system in particular.
You can use it to strengthen your vision and also fight the appearance of ulcers. If you’re struggling or know someone who is struggling with mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, getting them this birthstone could be a good idea.
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Sardonyx is a relatively newer gemstone considered as August birthstone. However, it’s root chakra properties and combination of sard and onyx make it a great gemstone for protection.
The two materials layered together make beautiful zebra-striped textures painted in red. There are white bands and streaks that contribute to its beauty.
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Origin of this Auguest birthstone
The name that combines sard originates from Persian city Sardis, which now sits in today’s Turkey. The onyx originates from Ancient Greece, where it means “nail” or “claw.”
There are different versions and variations of Sardonyx. It can be yellowish, red, and red with brown tints. The color of the gemstone is dictated by the amount of iron oxide that reacted with it.
Its past
People were mining Sardonyx and decorating the jewelry with it for centuries. The oldest records date it back to more than 4,000 years ago. It was first discovered in Egypt.
Both ancient Greeks and Romans used Sardonyx as a protection stone when they were going to battles and wars. They made talismans that would engrave images of heroes and gods. The cultures believed that the gemstones were capable of transferring the strength of gods and heroes to the warriors and help them achieve victory.
In Rome, people used Sardonyx for seals and signet rings. It was great for adding waxed emblems to patch official documents. It also sees popularity in medieval times and Renaissance times. Only eloquent people promoted it. It helped public speakers talk and maintain confidence during events.
It’s interesting to note that Sardonyx was popular among both the rich and poor. It wasn’t only limited to wealthy and prestigious, but also the poor and common folk. It was common, inexpensive, yet beautiful and mesmerizing.
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Where to find sardonyx?
Sardonyx can be found everywhere around the world. However, it’s the most abundant material in India. Nevertheless, other popular world locations boast it. That said, you can find it in Brazil and Uruguay.
In Central Europe, it can be found in Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The most popular Sardonyx location in Africa is in Madagascar.
Sardonyx is also available in the wide range of the United States. Most commonly the August birthstone can be found in Oregon and Lake Superior region.
How to care for sardonyx?
When it comes to durability and hardness, the Mohs hardness scale ranks Sardonyx at 6.5 Mohs. While it’s not that fragile, it’s not the most durable material either.
It’s not ideal for everyday jewelry unless you’re super-careful. You can often find it on cameos, intaglios, and brooches, because of the contrasting layers.
Given its hardness rate, you should be careful when cleaning it. Make sure to avoid strong chemicals, use warm and soapy water in combination with a brush with soft bristles. Don’t put it together with other jewelry as it may get scratched and damaged.
Sardonyx healing properties
Sardonyx is often combined with other gemstones to ensure high-end protection and healing. It is a strong protection gemstone that provides security and strength. It’s great for cherishing friendship, happiness, romance, love marriage, and family.
Sardonyx attracts fortune and wealth while bringing you to the people who can make your friends forever. It creates lasting happiness and surrounds you with lasting happiness. It’s great for improving stamina, self-control, confidence and more.
The stone easily combats anxiety and depression and improves world perception. Also, it can help alleviate pain in hips, lungs and bones. It improves the metabolism and immune system as well.
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People often mistake spinel for ruby or pink sapphire. It’s no secret that this gemstone looks like both of them. It’s the third August birthstone. Due to its resemblance to other elements, it’s often overlooked for peridot.
Nevertheless, those who are well-versed with gemstone shouldn’t have problems recognizing it.
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Origin and meaning
It’s interesting to note that the most popular rubies throughout history actually turned out to be spinel. If you look into technical specifications of spinel, you’ll find that its less hard and durable compared to the aforementioned two materials, which makes it easier to distinguish.
It’s no secret that spinel was popular especially on the court where the dominant red colors flattered the monarchy. Interestingly, the popular “Black Prince’s ruby” as well as the “Timur ruby” were in fact spinels located on the crown in England.
One of the spinel crystals, magnetite also has magnetic properties. That said, this group of Spinel was utilized to magnetize compasses as early as the 11th century.
Spinel is available in different colors. Amongst the most popular colors is vivid red. However, you’ll probably also like cobalt blue, bright pink, and orange colors. It’s worth noting that if you want to buy Spinel but are tighter on budget, focus on the paler and brighter colors as those are more affordable.
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Where to find spinel?
Although rarer than other gemstones, this August birthstone is available around the world. You can find it in Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, as well as Cambodia.
Some less abundant locations include Brazil, Australia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Madagascar, Tadzhikistan, Nepal, and the United States, where it’s available at different locations.
How to care for spinel?
Spinel is a relatively hard gemstone with hardness measuring between 8 and 9 Mohs. That makes it enough durable to be free of scratches and other inclusions and a desirable gemstone on the market. It’s worth mentioning that those spinel with more inclusions are the less worthy ones.
Being harder and more durable, it can easily withstand heat and chemicals. Still, it’s recommended to clean it in soapy and warm water and avoid ultrasonic and steam cleaners.
Lastly, it’s safe to be put with other gemstones and jewelry, although if you want to save it for many years, it’s better to be safe than sorry and put it away. Lastly, it’s great for day-to-day use and won’t scratch that easily.
Spinel healing properties
If you’re a hard worker and workaholic, spinel will help you center your focus and relieve stress. Many people use Spinel as their protection gemstone as it can keep them calm and focused on their goals.
It can also help you go through all your challenges, as it can protect you from anxiety and depression. It’s also used as a purifier, as it can clean the bloodstream and help increase endurance. Also, it’s good for those who apply detox methodologies as it helps clean poisons from the body.
In Closing
No matter which August birthstone you pick, it’s certain that all the three gemstones will keep you safe, mindful and ambitious. Which August birthstone is the gem of your choice? Let us know in the comments!
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