Black obsidian comes in the form of a glass-like rock that is created from the quick cooling of volcanic lava. Within metaphysical circles, the rock features the aura of mystery.
It boasts intense energy that draws you in softly, yet deep making its presence powerful in countless ways. This stone is often handy for feng shui, truth-telling, healing, and protection.
[toc]Meanings of Black Obsidian
You can trace the meaning of the black obsidian to the Paleolithic times. In those days, the stone was handy in making tools such as arrowheads. People cherished it for its glossy and deep sheen. Because it forms from the cooling of molten lava, it popularly goes by the name volcanic glass.
Boasting such a rich extraction, there is no doubt that this stone is a force to reckon with. Therefore, each time you stare at this stone’s shiny luster, you need to be reminded of its prowess of being a protective and powerful talisman.
During the prehistoric times, its crystal was not just a classy way of accessorizing a loincloth. Being a warrior stone, it provided protection and guidance to the Paleo-Indian ancestors when they went for war and hunting.
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How can black obsidian heal your pain
The stone’s polished mirrors and crystal balls are utilized in different cultures for purposes of deep healing. They are believed to help people become more grounded, clear, and focused on various practical matters.
The mirrors and crystal balls also have the power to assist in discernment and developing razor-like mental abilities.
Since it expresses clear energy of truth devoid of taking any sides, this stone is useful for folks that react emotionally to events and people.
Whether a bracelet or ring, pieces of black obsidian jewelry are magical at helping anchor erratic energies, clearing the mind of distractions and fears as well as bringing more balance to life.
As already aforementioned, the obsidian meaning is associated with the concept of darkness. Akin to planet earth that is always spinning, and its day and night phases, our soul equally features phases of dark and light. The obsidian crystal as we have already mentioned is highly protective.
A protective stone
It provides powerful protection that assists you to find your dark side. The stone’s healing properties help to clear all dark patches from your soul.
Its meaning is a constant reminder that everyone has a bad and good side. By shedding light on your dark and negative side, it clears such elements in your life away. In doing so, it can help us to opt for the path that leads towards love and light.
It is prudent to incorporate this stone into your day to day meditation practice. On top of that, utilize its spiritual medicine to notify the devil to take the back seat in your life and the angelic side to take the driver’s seat.
If possible, every day, you should seat quietly within your stone for twenty minutes and be amazed by its power to illuminate all the negativity that loiters around your head.
Just like a spiritual disinfectant, the stone is ready to deep clean your inner spirit’s counter-tops thus leaving you feeling not only refreshed and light but also in total control of your destiny.
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Physical Uses
The fact that this stone is born out of lava means it boasts the potent energy of interacting with several raw elements such as water, earth, and fire. The stone is categorized as volcanic glass. It is smooth and hard. On top of that, it can feature incredibly sharp edges.
Black obsidian has been utilized throughout history for different tools such as arrows and knives. Furthermore, some people have experimented with it for surgical scalpel blades. In some instances, it is sharper compared to a metal blade.
Feng Shui
When it comes to feng shui, the stone remains an excellent cure for the north Bagua area. This is the area that is connected to the energy of a person’s path and career in life.
This stone not only offers the powerful energy of the feng shui element’s water that is needed within the northern area but also provides protection as well as clears obstacles in your life.
Numerous feng shui carvings made of this stone exist. You only need to choose the symbols which you like or can associate with. As it is associated with the power of drawing in negative energy, you should cleanse it frequently.
Secondly, you need to take great care of the stone’s physical surroundings. Avoid placing it on the floor or any place where you can neglect it.
Another facet of this stone is its capability to rake in negative energy. For this reason, it protects the surroundings where it is placed or the wearer. As such, you can use black obsidian in different areas of your home as well as body adornments.
Also known as the stone of truth, this stone can reveal mysteries, both of a person’s inner world and inner workings of cosmos. One of the stone’s metaphysical properties is sharpness. The powerful stone can cut through blockages, fearful facades, lies, and illusions.
The amount of information it can uncover, coupled with the intensity of truthful energy is overwhelming. Many folks believe that the perfect of its black color provides insights into the darkness that blocks your light in all situations. That explains why you need to use it with the utmost care and respect.
Properties of Black Obsidian
The properties of the obsidian rock are famous for their grounding and stabilizing effects. It is the best stone to control strewn energies.
Every time you start feeling as though you are spreading yourself too thin, you need to hold a stone in both hands and feel it restoring harmony to the root chakra, which is the energy center that securely anchors you to earth.
Wearing the stone daily gives you the utmost power to conquer everything you set your eyes on. You have this renewed confidence that is unexplainable. It remains a stylish way of having a constant flow of its resilient and tough energy.
Association with the Earth
When it comes to healing, the stone’s strong grounding properties guarantee an equally strong presence. Procrastination and feeling isolated are common side effects of losing control of your life.
Do you get lost inside the rabbit shack of spirituality? If yes, this stone makes an ideal tonic for reinstating a pleasant balance between the reality’s physical world and your spiritual self.
Since the stone has strong grounding properties, you can use its power to firmly keep your feet rooted on the ground. The stone’s deep and transformative vibe help to improve all the stones around it thus making it a magnifier of healing energy.
In addition to that, when undergoing the process of healing, particularly one that takes time, you can trust this stone to carry you through.
With it, we have the patience and strength necessary to triumph challenges no matter how long it takes. Once you have familiarized yourself with the stone’s healing properties, you will have a better understanding of which intention you need to program it with. The stone’s protective energy is magical in cushioning you from any negativity.
It drives away you dark side
The stone can also be handy at helping you to be completely honest with yourself regarding your shadow side.
Is there anything preventing you from reaching your destiny? What brings about your fears? Pen answers to these questions on a paper. Put the paper beneath this rock.
Through the stone’s energies, you will get rid of all negative emotions and eventually heal.
Of great importance to note is that the definition of obsidian is normally associated with shielding of unwanted energy, security, and protection. That explains why you need to put it in your office or home, enabling it to work as your energy bodyguard.
The stone is particularly powerful when it comes to absorbing electromagnetic radiation hence making placing of big pieces close to electronics your modern home’s quick feng shui fix.
Do you sleep close to your mobile gadget? It could be a phone or tablet. Place an obsidian crystal between you and your device. It will not only absorb but also transmute any dangerous EMFs.
Alternatively, you can put the stone at your door or entrance to guard your home against negative and toxic energies.
Finally, yet importantly, the stone’s definition makes it a spirit stone. Many cultures have used this stone as a spiritual ally to demand stargazing as well as making prophecies.
When it comes to healing, the rock is the ‘friend’ you need during the process of healing because of its ability to guard your soul and feelings. When out and about, the stone can be handy at protecting you from any vampire energy that you might come across.
Black Obsdian Products You can Buy
Silver Obsidian Crystal Sphere
This rare silver sheen crystal sphere is made of 100 percent natural and authentic silver obsidian. It is mined in central Mexico’s Hildago area. Part of the purchase of this sphere is a wooden stand base that is handy for display.
It is best for fortune-telling, divination, Chakra grounding and balancing, crystal healing, meditation, and Feng Shui.
Goldenlight Bracelet
These adorable bracelets are believed to bring protection, good tidings and fortune to the wearer. You and your partner can rock them for elegance and fashion. Choose from different size beads – 14mm, 12mm, and 10mm beads.
The bracelet comes with two gold beads coupled with black mantra beads. Both of them are elastic. Enjoy the utmost protection from mental attacks and shielding against negative emotions.
MATT HANN Rainbow Eye Obsidian Pendant
Matt & Hann is a popular seller of jewelry. The company imports raw materials from different sources of the world and polishes them to create precious and attractive stones.
This pendant is no exception. It is unique, fashionable and trendy. Enjoy mysterious power and dazzling brilliance.
Buy as a gift for yourself or your family and friends. It is an excellent choice of present for a birthday, Valentine’s day, new year, wedding, mother’s day, etc.
Obsidian Arrowhead
The three black obsidian arrowheads measure roughly 2 inches – 2.5 inches. Every piece is made individually from natural-occurring black obsidian.
You can use them for reiki, healing, meditation or as altarpieces. The pieces not only protect you from negative energies but also convert all negativity into positive vibes.
Black Obsidian Ring
This obsidian ring is a must-have if you are into the black obsidian rock. Without a doubt, it is a piece of art to behold – a genuine masterpiece.
The ring is a good gift for almost any celebration. Some of the colors available include transparent black, silver black and pure black. Enjoy all the protection you need when you wear this ring.
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful experience about the Black Obsidian Bracelet. I read about the wonderful benefits the Bracelet offers as well. If I may ask,
what will be the disadvantage of wearing this bracelet? My concern stemmed from the fact that some delorean had been affecting our friends around here.
Hey Stephen, speaking of disadvantages of wearing black obsidian, you’d better remember that you should wear it on your right wrist, keep it from chemical detergent, take it off when sleep, and clease it regularly, say once every month.