Quartz is a very popular stone in the realm of crystal healing. There are so many different variations and sub-varieties, it can be hard to keep up. One variety of quartz that has gained popularity is aura quartz. Let’s check out the healing properties of aura quartz.
[toc]What is Aura Quartz?
Aura quartz is a quartz that has been modified to enhance the look by adding other metals to it. It is used for both decorations and in the art of crystal healing. The crystal really had its coming-out party when the New Age Movement hit in the 1980s.
The crystal is in the top-prized possessions in the healing crystal world, despite its modified state. It’s pretty unique among healing crystals, because they work best in a completely natural state for connection to the earth. Many consider aura quartz an exception to the rule.
How is Aura Quartz formed?
It might surprise you to know that quartz is the second most common mineral found in the earth today. It has many varieties and sub-varieties. Aura quartz is one variety of quartz, and there are many different types of aura quartz, which we’ll talk about later.
Natural quartz is formed when magma cools in igneous rock or geothermal waters. Quartz crystalline happens when the silicon dioxcide cools. The slower it takes to cool, the larger the crystal will grow.
To get aura quartz, natural quartz is taken and coated with metals to give it the eye-catching iridescence many people love. Some of these metals include titanium, copper, gold, indium, and niobium. Because of that rainbow sheen, aura quartz is also referred to as rainbow quartz. Actually, rainbow quartz is a type of aura quartz, but it’s also used as a blanket term sometimes.
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Crystal Healing with Aura Quartz
Natural quartz and its variations have been prominent in the practice of crystal healing. Clear quartz has the metaphysical properties of magnifying energy around it and enhancing the powers of other healing stones.
All aura quartz retains the same properties as clear quartz in addition to their own properties unique to specific varieties.
Emotional Healing Properties of Aura Quartz
There are many different kinds of aura quartz and more are being made with each passing year. I couldn’t possibly name all the different kinds, so we’ll just stick to the ones that are more common in crystal healing.
Rainbow aura quartz
Rainbow aura quartz is quartz that has been coated with gold and titanium. This variety of quartz is especially helpful for those in rough relationships, or relationships that have been down a rocky path. The crystal is said to help suck the negativity out of relationships and help dissolve anger or resentment for past wrongs. It is the healing stone for relationships.
Smoky aura quartz
This type of quartz is also referred to as champagne quartz in some circles. Smoky aura quartz is helpful in connecting to spirit guides or the angelic realm. It is coated with gold and indium, or gold and iron to produce a darker metallic gold color.
The crystal breathes new life into those who have been held down by a life-draining career and renews passion. Its peace-keeping qualities are especially helpful in helping dissuade conflict, seeing the bigger picture, and bring out the charismatic side in you. It is a great stone for career-minded people.
Ruby aura quartz
When bonded with platinum and a little gold or silver, we get ruby aura quartz. It is a deeper red color similar to that of a ruby. Ruby aura quartz is said to be a passionate stone, opening up the power of love and healing.
This stone helps combat the effects of anger, resentment, and abuse, particularly child abuse. It is excellent for renewing and transforming the mind. Ruby aura quartz effectively removes emotional pain and replaces it with love and peace, bringing balance to both mind and soul.
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Cobalt aura quartz
This type of quartz has been bonded with, you guessed it—cobalt! Shocker, right? But it’s true. Coating clear quartz in cobalt gives it a very pretty and mysterious metallic blue. This beautiful blue quartz is excellent for calming the mind.
Cobalt aura quartz soothes dissatisfaction and relaxes anxiousness, be it physical or emotional. In essence, this aura quartz is help at smoothing away the clouds, opening up pathways to creativity and the purest forms of self-expression.
Rose aura quartz
This is a rare variety of quartz. Similar to ruby aura quartz, rose aura crystals get their color by being coated with platinum and bits of gold or silver. Rose Aura crystals is very popular today with women, as it is the stone of self-love.
Channeling the powers of a rose aura quartz will allow you to see the beauty in yourself and increase confidence. It’s especially helpful for those who have gone through recent rejection, struggle with body image and self-deprecation.
Angel aura quartz
Angel aura quartz is another popular variety of aura quartz. Its base consists of clear quartz combined with platinum and silver. Other metals are also found in its coating. The color is a pearly and iridescent white. The color is that of angel wings, as it is aptly named. Sometimes you will hear it referred to as opal aura.
This celestial quartz is excellent for connecting to higher beings and elevating spirituality. It is helpful for tapping into the advice and guidance from your guardian angels or spirit guides. Angel aura quartz brings a feeling of inner peace and comfort. When you are one with this crystal, wisdom from past generations is bestowed upon you.
Aqua aura quartz
This is the most abundant type of quartz in the world. When quartz is coated with gold, it produces a pretty blue. Aqua quartz is an excellent crystal for soothing and opening up the soul. It melts away stress and anxiety, and clears negativity to open up pathways of communication.
When aligning oneself with this aura quartz, the stone opens up your soul, letting your inhibitions, dreams, and ambitions to come spilling out. It allows you to exercise your ability to speak your mind without fear of rejection or suppression. It is a freeing crystal.
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Sunshine aura quartz
Sunshine aura quartz is clear quartz coated with gold and platinum, giving off a bright yellow. This crystal is a high-energy functioning and healing stone. It revives life into the body, mind, and spirit. It is the happiness crystal.
This aura quartz brings out the inner sunshine in everybody, allowing you to let go of past traumas, and look forward to a brighter future. It increases optimism, laugher, and lightheartedness.
Tanzine aura quartz
This is a pretty bulish-purple aura quartz that it often mistaken as tanzanite, but the two are quite different. Tanzine aura quartz is made by bonding gold and indium with clear quartz. It is a stone that opens up metaphysical qualities in the spirit realm.
Tanzine aura quartz helps connect one with the spiritual plane and go between the dimensions. It also is said to connect to an archangel, by the name of Raziel. This aura quartz is great to use it times of meditation, as it is great for clearing the clutter from the mind and transcending to a higher consciousness.
Flame aura quartz
Also referred to as titanium aura quartz, flame aura quartz is a combination of clear quartz and titanium or niobium. This combination of crystal and metal produces a deep, dark blue with hints of gold.
Similar to tanzine aura quartz, this one also is excellent for accessing the spiritual realm and deepening your connection through meditation. It draws in energies from different dimensions as well. Tanzine aura quartz helps you understand those around you and see things from their point of view.
Apple aura quartz
Rounding up some of the most famous aura quartz out there, the apple aura quartz is last on the list today. This quartz is a vivid yellow-green color, caused by nickel. It is the quartz of letting go.
Whether you’re needing to let go of a mentor or past relationship, apple aura quartz helps you be able to release yourself from unhealthy emotional ties or bonds to someone. It is good for cleansing the leftover emotions and wreckage after the person has exited your life. Additionally, it protects you from those who would suck the happiness and positivity from your life.
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Other aura quartz
Like previously mentioned, there are many different types of aura quartz being produced and new types as well. Also, some aura quartz is known by different names, but the information still remains the same.
Aura Quartz’ Physical Healing Properties
We’ve gone over a bunch of different variations of aura quartz we might come into contact and their emotional healing properties. However, each aura quartz has their own physical healing properties. Let’s see what some of them help with.
Rainbow aura quartz – this a healing stone for all sicknesses. It is especially helpful in healing cellular memory.
Smoky aura quartz – this is said to be good for helping those with thyroid and endocrine problems. It can also help metabolism function at peak level and balance at hormones. Smoky quartz can also fight off persistent illnesses of the body attack itself, even if the reason is unclear.
Ruby aura quartz – This lovely quartz is especially helpful with back problems. By aligning themselves with this quartz, many people have found relief from sciatica, slipped disks, and other aching back problems.
Cobalt aura quartz – It aids in dealing with digestive diseases such as pancreas, liver, spleen, etc. Opens up a connection from spiritual healing to physical healing for those who have been exhausted by prolonged disease or long medical trials.
Rose aura quartz – said to help women with menstrual issues, pregnancy support, and soothe burns.
Sunshine aura quartz – helps digestive issues by cleansing toxins, good for nervous system related conditions, and said to help those with seasonal depression.
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Angel aura quartz – all around healing stone. Especially helpful with autism, Asperger’s, and nervous system conditions. Relaxes mental disorders such as anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks.
Aqua aura quartz – this stone is helpful for those with genetic disorders, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and cerebral palsy.
Tanzine aura quartz – this stone is excellent for healing all conditions of the head, including both mental and physical. It is great for memory, vision, headaches, and also thought to treat ADHD, depression, and viral infections.
Flame aura quartz – said to be helpful with diabetes, cellular and bone disorders, and boosts the immune system of those suffering with AIDS.
Apple aura quartz – cellular memory healing
How to Use Aura Quartz
Now that you know what aura quartz crystals might be useful for you and your situations, you’ll need to know how to use them. Follow these simple steps to start healing your aura quartz.
1. Cleanse
All crystals need to be cleansed before use. This is to wipe off any negative energies they might have sucked up before. You can cleanse them with salt water, water, smudging them, and cleansing by moonlight.
2. Give It Intention
A common misconception about crystal healing is that they are magical stones that have special powers. Instead, a crystal serves as a channel for the things you desire, but you have to tell it what you want. It is a connector between you and the earth. What are you hoping for with this crystal?
3. Program It
Now that you know what you want with your aura quartz, you have to quite literally tell it. Hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and say the following three times:
I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention of…and so on.
And when you’re saying this, you are trying to connect to the highest form of yourself, be it God, Mother Nature, science, Goddess, or anything beyond yourself. Another misconception of crystal healing is that it is sacrilegious to religions. Instead, it is what you want it to be.
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As you can see, aura quartz is both a beautiful and mystical crystal full of benefits and connections to the spiritual realm. There are so many different kinds of aura quartz, it can be a little overwhelming.
Sometimes, when picking out a crystal, you shouldn’t necessarily focus on their individual abilities, but look to the one that draws you in. The crystal that you sense will help you far more than one you strategically try to use. Its personal abilities may not seem to fit you, but you never know how it could!
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